Life has different meaning

Discover A New Journey is new Health and Fitness Forum, designed to encourage our family and friends to live healthier, more fit lifestyles.
We can learn together as friends to maintain a level of health and fitness that will further improve our health. Equally important, is the health and lives of our own families and friends.
Enjoy together as we create a support forum, made up of many components in: Fitness, Nutrition, Buddy System and Partnerships. A place where we can share a wide awareness campaign that will assist us in our mission, to empower people to take control of their health by sharing and providing up-to-date information about how nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices can offer us a better lifestyle ...
8/04/2009 09:04:00 PM


An important aspect of nutrition is the daily intake of nutrients. Nutrients consist of various chemical substances in the food that makes up each person's diet. Many nutrients are essential for life, and an adequate amount of nutrients in the diet is necessary for providing energy, building and maintaining body organs, and for various metabolic processes. People depend on nutrients in their diet because the human body is not able to produce many of these nutrients—or it cannot produce them in adequate amounts.

Nutrients are essential to the human diet if they meet two characteristics. First, omitting the nutrient from the diet leads to a nutritional deficiency and a decline in some aspect of health. Second, if the omitted nutrient is put back into the diet, the symptoms of nutritional deficiency will decline and the individual will return to normal, barring any permanent damage caused by its absence. Learn More

A Winner:

A winner is someone who sets their goals, commits themselves to those goals and then pursues their goals with all the ability that is given to them. That requires someone who believes in themselves, who will make self sacrifices, work hard, and maintain the determination to perform at the best of their ability.