Life has different meaning

Discover A New Journey is new Health and Fitness Forum, designed to encourage our family and friends to live healthier, more fit lifestyles.
We can learn together as friends to maintain a level of health and fitness that will further improve our health. Equally important, is the health and lives of our own families and friends.
Enjoy together as we create a support forum, made up of many components in: Fitness, Nutrition, Buddy System and Partnerships. A place where we can share a wide awareness campaign that will assist us in our mission, to empower people to take control of their health by sharing and providing up-to-date information about how nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices can offer us a better lifestyle ...
9/29/2009 02:46:00 PM

Finding Inspiration In Your Biggest Temptations

Change the Way You Look at Obstacles on Your Journey
-- By Stepfanie Romine, Staff Writer

Getting motivated--and staying motivated--can be difficult, and when temptations abound, it seems like the world is conspiring to keep you indoors, on the couch and stuck in your unhealthy life.

Instead of viewing temptations as roadblocks, think of them as motivators--the devil on your shoulder, if you will. Their presence in your life should be just what you need to keep you from losing momentum, standing still or taking a break from your healthy journey. If you stop, they'll get you; if you stay one step ahead, you'll always come out on top. Temptations are like misunderstood Muses. They give you the chance to be creative while reaching your goals.

" In this article they have listed different Tempations, and in turn giving you different Inspirations to change things, that work for you, not against you"... Julie

So here are some of the temptations, and Inspirations, they have posted.

Temptation No. 1:
Sleeping in or hitting the snooze alarm.

Inspiration: Taking care of your body.
consider changing your sleep schedule. Try to head to bed earlier--even just 15 or 30 minutes can make a difference. Sleep loss also can cause a lack of desire to achieve goals because you feel fatigued and "run down." Sleep is also important in developing lean muscle tissue. When you work out, you are actually tearing your muscles – sleep and proper nutrients help rebuild the muscle so that you get stronger.

Temptation No. 2: Grabbing takeout or stopping at a drive-thru.

Inspiration: Making smart choices.
Ideally, you should drive by the drive-thru and cook healthful meals at home every night. However, not all takeout is created equal, and you can find some healthful options at chain restaurants and even your neighborhood deli. See this temptation as a challenge to be creative and bring home a healthful meal when you're in a hurry.

Plan ahead if you can, build a meal around vegetables and choose small portions to keep your takeout from taking away your self-control. (Find hundreds of tips and strategies to help you make smart, healthy choices when you're away from home here).

Temptation No. 3: Grazing on junk food all night long. ( This one I could really relate too.)

Inspiration: Getting to the root of a problem.
Before you start chastising yourself for blowing your calorie budget after a good day of healthy, mindful eating, think about why you are snacking. Mindless munching is usually anything but.

Are you thirsty? Many hunger pangs are actually just thirst in disguise. Drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If your hunger subsides, you weren't really hungry after all.
What did you eat for dinner? If you tried to save calories or reduce your carb intake by having a green salad or just a plate of veggies, it's no wonder you're hungry. Your body needs a bit of variety to stay happy. Protein takes longer to digest and helps keep you fuller longer. Toss some grilled chicken chunks, a small can of tuna or a half-cup of beans on your salad tomorrow night to give it some staying power. In the meantime, reach for a small servings of whole-grain crackers with a tablespoon of nut butter. The combo of fat, protein and carbs will tide you over until morning.

There are many more to review so I will paste the link.. I love the articles from SP... Read full article here

A Winner:

A winner is someone who sets their goals, commits themselves to those goals and then pursues their goals with all the ability that is given to them. That requires someone who believes in themselves, who will make self sacrifices, work hard, and maintain the determination to perform at the best of their ability.